By Andrew Newlun

About the Artist

The Artist behind Newtography, Andrew Newlun. Married, 25 years of age, adventurer, athlete, artist, and friend. 

Andrew Newlun.  





    Starting out in graphic design at the age of 13, Andrew felt a calling to the digital arts long before a camera found its way into his hands. 

    At the age of 20, on his birthday, he got his first DSLR camera. It was a Nikon, and it went everywhere with him as a hobby and a passion. Soon after starting out in photography he displayed some of his work in a local hospital and from there made his first sale to the hospital, followed by being featured the book Chattanoogas Heroic Drive, which would start the business of photography that has grown into his life and livelihood. 

    Although being known as one of Chattanooga's most diverse photographers today, he is still just as much a graphic designer as he is a photographer. He never displays an image to the public that he hasn't spent countless hours perfecting by any means possible. "It's a form of art to me." says Andrew. "...Emotion and inspiration work hand in hand as I take my time with each individual image. If it is a landscape then I like to try and convert that emotion that the scene made me feel into the image. Some have said that it makes it look too unrealistic and over the top, but that is exactly what I want. When I think back on a magical sunset or mountain or whatever it may be, my mind doesn't picture the scene verbatim. I see things exaggerated because my emotion has come in and attached all these feelings to the memory. I try and reflect all that emotion in my images as I process them. I am an artist and that is my artistic process. Who I am is a part of each image just as much as the subject matter. Newtography is the world as seen through my eyes and mind. The purists can complain and the colorblind can get confused but I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and hope that it will be appreciated in the end." 

   As Andrew progresses and reaches new levels of photography and artistry, he hopes that you will journey along with him and "be a part of the art".  

   Feel free to browse through the galleries and hop on over to the blog to see what has been going on in the world of Newtography. We also have video tutorials to help you get better and learn photography, as well as a shop to order anything from prints to portrait session. Thank you so much for your time and your interest in Newtography. 


Be a part of the Art

Be a part of the Art

God Bless
