By Andrew Newlun

Battle of the 85s



Canon 85mm F/1.2 ii

As talked about in the video, when it comes to 85mm lenses, this is the king. Whether you need the ultimate in low-light performance, or just a crisp and creamy portrait shot in any type of lighting, this lens can do it all. The following are some images taken from this lens.

Rokinon af 85mm f/1.4

The best bang for your buck at 85mm may be this rokinon lens. Especially when stopped down. But even if you don’t want to stop down, the images out of this lens are spectacular, especially when considering the price of the lens and how much quality you are getting for your money. The following are some images taken from this lens.


While all of these have been edited (differently) and converted to black and white, these are the images that I had on hand that were taken with each of these lenses. Like I said in the video, the main differences that are worth considering when choosing the rokinon is that it can on occassion miss focus just a hair and that little bit is enough to make or break a photo.

If anyone would like to see raw images taken from each of these I would be happy to add to this page, but I am not going to do extra work unless I know it is warranted, so jump in the discord at the link below and leave a post somewhere requesting comparable raw images and I would be happy to update this page.

Happy shooting and stay human <3 -Newlun