By Andrew Newlun

Pic of the Day

Hometown Throwback

Today's Pic of the Day is an old image I got while shooting a portrait session. The sky got really dramatic and threw a couple rainbows at me and I had to step back and take a shot.

Hope you Enjoy :)


Image captured with the Nikon D7000 and the Sigma 10-20mm lens

Andrew NewlunComment
Soccer Throwback

After a great USA v Ghana match this evening, I felt the pic of the day should have a soccer theme. So I found this shot from back in the day with my very first DSLR. Hope you enjoy :)

2010 NPSL Championship Game - Chattanooga Football Club 

Andrew NewlunComment
Taking a break... from vacations.

Back home for father's day, and alas I am on hiatus from vacations. Relaxing can get exhausting sometimes :p.

Go tell the man who made you how much you appreciate him and I will leave you with this night image from Madeira Beach.


Hope you enjoy :)

Captured with the Nikon D7000  and the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 lens 


Andrew NewlunComment
My Best Ansel Impression

There is no place like Monument Valley to get some awesome black and white shots. And who among us hasn't been inspired by the great Ansel Adams. 

Today's Pic of the Day is my best impression at an Ansel Adams shot. I always think photos should be black and white unless color is adding something to the image. Monument Valley is a perfect place to demonstrate that. Colorful photos of these amazing formations doesn't do anything for the photo. If anything it takes away from the amazing design of it all. 

Black and white leaves that distraction out of the image and brings your focus more to the beautiful raw intensity and grandeur of the scene. 

Hope you Enjoy :)


Captured with the Samsung NX300 (link below)

and the Samsung NX 18-55mm kit lens (link below)

Andrew NewlunComment
Tram to the Top of the World

Today's Pic of the Day comes from the Sandia Peak arial tram. Which as you can see takes you to the absolute top of the entire earth... Or at least to the top of Albuquerque NM.

Hope you Enjoy :)

Captured with the Samsung NX300 (link below)

and the Samsung NX 18-55mm kit lens (link below)

Andrew NewlunComment