Double Tap: Landscape, Portrait, or both?
So today I am going to talk about a few reasons why you should shoot the same scene in landscape and portrait. So obviously, a nice landscape scene looks great when shot wide to be used as a computer wallpaper or print, but you should also consider flipping the camera on its side and doing a double tap.
Most of the time many of us shoot landscapes in landscape mode, I mean thats why they call it landscape mode right? Having a wide field of view can really bring a lot into a photo, but that isn't always the right way to shoot certain scenes. For aesthetic and monetary reasons.
So what if you were to shoot a scene in landscape mode and post it online and it blows up, and maybe a magazine wants to use it for their cover. Well obviously a magazine cover needs to be shot in portrait format.
Thats just one example but if you were wanting to create a beautiful desktop background then you want to shoot in landscape mode right? Well not everyones computer sits atop a desk, more and more people are doing all of their computing on their smartphones now adays, which require a portrait mode wallpaper.
These are just two examples to consider, there are many many more reasons but I just want to challenge myself and everyone out there to consider flipping into portrait for a landscape shot or even shooting the same scene in both landscape and portrait.
shooting wide can allow you to find more foreground interest laterally.
shooting long can allow for a more dynamic photo by adding interest at the top and bottom to compliment the subject