By Andrew Newlun

Pic of the Day

Project December: Day 7

Still cloudy and getting pretty cold here in Chatty. I am having a hard time getting these uploaded each day and writing about them. Hopefully I will have some more time to write a better post and take a creative shot tomorrow. Hope you enjoy


Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill andSuzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew NewlunComment
Project December: Day 6

Another gloomy day here in Chattanooga. Got a quick snapshot on my way home today. added a bit of noise and amplified the mood of the scene I saw through my minds eye. Busy day so this one isn't so great but it reflects the dramatic dark day we had here today.


Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill andSuzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew NewlunComment
Project December: Day 5

So I just snapped and edited this in the last 20 minutes. I was running out of "time" to take and post todays photo, and that gave me an idea :)

Like yesterday this is another shot where I played around with long exposure. I also did a little masking again. What can I say, I love post processing, it is my therapy :)

Hope you enjoy :)

Maybe Fossil will hire me for some ad photography (hint hint) #likefossilwilleverseethis

Project December is a collaborative endeavor of myself and 2 other F stop Lounge Contributors, Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements.

Be sure to check out their photos for today by clicking on their names: 


Andrew NewlunComment
Project December: Day 4

FYI Since I missed Day 1 I am just going ahead and skipping my number up to day 4 to be on the same page as my other friends doing this project

So I had a few things in my mind for today but I wasn't able to make them happen with the props I had available. So I ended up busting out the big stopper and going out to take advantage of the fast moving clouds in the sky today. I didn't shoot for very long but I did get one image that was somewhat acceptable. Not my best but this is the shot for Day 4. Hope you enjoy


Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill andSuzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew NewlunComment
Project December: Day 3

Today was a pretty rainy and gloomy day, but you know what they say. When life hands you lemons... just add in a dash of Photoshop and you're all good ;)

So for Day 2 in this Photo a Day project I decided to go out and use the rain to my advantage, and I am quiet happy with the results. Hope you enjoy :)

"When life hands you lemons, just add in a dash of Photoshop and you're all good"

Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew NewlunComment