By Andrew Newlun

Pic of the Day

Project December: Day 12

Didn't have much time today, but my wife and I went on our annual trip to see the garden of lights at rock city. So here is a photo I snapped while we were there. Nothing special but I didn't want to cheat and upload a photo that wasn't taken today. Hope you enjoy


Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew NewlunComment
Project December: Day 11

So I received an early Christmas present in the mail today :). An Fstop Loka Bag from my friends Jay and Varina Patel.  If you aren't familiar with their photography you should do yourself a favor and click on their names to go to their websites and see their work. They are an inspiration to me and I can't wait to join them in Australia for their workshop in Jan. Now the bag has a little wear (barely any, idk how you used it for years and it still looks brand new Varina) , but I would much rather have a bag that has seen all the amazing sites all over the world than shell out the cost of a new lens for a brand new bag. 

Photo Dec 11, 7 19 28 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 11, 7 19 00 PM.jpg

I spent about an hour organizing my gear and moving into the new bag. Then I was rearing to get out and put it to good use. I went out to one of the old cliche spots to shoot the river and bridges of downtown Chattanooga, and set up a few different shots. I took a few long exposures from 30 seconds up to 8 minutes and snapped a few bracketed shots for an HDR. 

If you have seen my work you know I am a sucker for an HDR. So of course I got my therapeutic post processing time in for the day and spent some time putting together this image for the pic of the day. I hope you enjoy :)

Big thanks to Jay and Varina Patel :) for my early Christmas. If you want to see a behind the scenes iphone shot from this shoot click HERE to check it out on my instagram :)

Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew NewlunComment
Project December: Day 10

So today I just realized that our very first Christmas tree in the Newlun home would be a cool long exposure shot. So yet again, I just took a cool long exposure and I'm throwing it up straight out of camera :). 

I have never posted so many pictures without editing them. This one isn't visually all that special, but it is very special to me. This is our first Christmas tree as a family :). We are just scraping by as newlyweds, so my wife was just expecting a hand-me-down tree from my parents, but I got to surprise her with this one. The look on her face is one I will never forget. Even though it is a cheap tree with minimal decorations, it is our first Christmas tree on our first Christmas together, so it means a lot. Not gonna lie, I am getting a little on the emotional side while writing this. So I will stop here.

So here is the regular shot and the long exposure. I know it's not much to look at but I hope you enjoy it :)

Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew Newlun Comment
Project December: Day 9

Another shot straight out of the camera today. I am very please with this image. I went out shooting with my friend Graham today, as he just got his new Canon 6d in and wanted to go shoot some. 

As you probably know I love editing photos but I have been trying to come up with cool images in the camera that need no editing. So today I played around with multiple exposures. Basically this allows you to shoot two exposure (or more) to a single image. It is the equivalent of taking a photo on film and then rewinding the film and exposing/taking a second image on the same piece of film. 

I found out very fast that it was very much a science. As most of my images came out dull and weird. As I got the hang of it however, I was able to pull of some really cool shots. This was my favorite, of Graham standing on a hilltop backlit by the sun and the second exposure being the shadows and texture of the hill itself. 

Hope you enjoy :)


Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew Newlun Comment
Project December: Day 8

Today I had a blast trying out something I have never done before, photographing smoke. This photo session literally blew me away because every single shot that came up made me gasp. These were some of the most beautiful shots I have ever taken (IMO). The raw beauty and art is completely mind blowing to me. 

Believe it or not this photo is SOOC (straight out of camera...with watermark added). I literally could not stop shooting because of how amazing and unique each and every image was. I have hundreds of shots that I will have a blast editing and adding color to. But I am posting this raw image for todays pic, due to lack of time and I wanted everyone to appreciate the unedited photo. 

I had a cameraman here today (who happens to be the newest member of the Newtography team...TBA). So I made a tutorial video that should be up tomorrow. I hope you enjoy this image :)


Project December is a collaborative adventure with a couple of my fellow F Stop Lounge contributors Carly Gill and Suzanne Clements. Be sure to click on their names to check out their Pics for today :)

Andrew Newlun Comment